Thursday, May 1, 2008

Julien's first meal, yummy carrots!!!

Julien just started with baby food. His first meal was pureed baby carrots, yummy. He is not really a fan of baby food yet but I am sure that will soon change.

Xavier is doing really well with potty training so we put together his toy house. He loves it and plays in it every day.

Julien also loves that he is now big enough to play in his Hop & Pop seat. It makes a lot of cool sounds, plays music and has a lot of flashing lights. It also allows him to bounce up and down. His legs are getting stronger every day.

Xavier is a little jealous that Julien can play in the Hop & Pop because it used to be his. We let him play in it a little bit before but then he broke Julien's baby swing because he was too heavy so he is now banned from all of Julien's toys that you sit in. Luckily he has enough other toys to play with that he is not too jealous.

1 comment:

Jill said...

That little house is so adorable! Reagan would LOVE to have something like that. They are so expensive here though. Hooray for potty trained Xavier! I can't believe Julien is already big enough for baby food! Time just flies doesn't it!