Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Potty training

Xavier started his real potty training a couple of weeks ago and so far is doing great.

He has only had 1 poo poo accident and really hated it. He has only had 2 days where he didn't have any accidents at all but seems to be getting better every day. He really loves wearing his underware. Right now he only wears it when we are home and wears diapers when we go out and when he sleeps. Once he is really good at using the potty at home though we plan on putting him in underware all the time.

We told him that he will get a toy play house as a present for learning how to use the potty and we have already ordered it. It should go nicely in our garden. I will post some pictures of him in it once it arrives and we have put it together.

Here are some pictures of Xavier and Julien I took today. You can even see Xavier using the potty. He is getting to be such a big boy.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Poor kid. You put a picture of him on the pot for everyone to see. He is going to kill you for that later! I can't believe how big Julien is getting! He is starting to look more like Xavier now. It is so funny how they constantly change. Do you guys call your yard your garden in Germany? That would be so fun to have a little play house outside. He will love it. Way to go with your potty training Xavier! I am so proud of you! Love you guys.