Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What a wonderful present

Our boys just love to play in boxes. Xavier loves to close it up and pretend he is a wonderful present for me to open. What sweet boys. This particular box was holding the new potty we ordered for Julien. It plays music when he gets the sensors wet. Hopefully he will soon want to use the potty for its intended use but for now he likes it fine as a chair.

Coming in July: It's A Girl!!!!!!!

We just found out today that we are definitely having a girl! We are very excited and can't wait until our little princess joins the family. I am happy to not be so outnumbered anymore. Everything else is going great. The baby's heart looks really good and the doctor seemed very happy with my progress other than the fact I have still not gained any weight. He is testing my thyroid at the moment to make sure that is working properly but we think it is most likely because I have been very sick this pregnancy with every cold and flu known to man plus morning sickness. And considering the baby is doing so well we are not worried about my lack of weight gain. At least it will be easy to take off the baby weight later. Only 4 months to go!