Sunday, November 16, 2008

Julien's First Birthday!!!!!!!

Julien got very tired by the end of the evening but still wanted to play.

The first bite of cake. Yummy.

Ready to sing Happy Birthday?

Christian holding Julien. He sure is a big boy now.

Christian looking handsome.

Frankie smiling big for the camera.

Here is Frankie and Antonio's son Raphael playing with Julien. He started walking 3 weeks ago and we were all very impressed.

Here are Juliet and Maya from the neighborhood.

Here is Elodie and Laurent's oldest daughter Johanna. She is getting so big. Love the haircut. Elodie cut it herself.

Here are Kieran, Niamh, Sean, and Thierry relaxing on the sofa.

Debbie and Andre enjoying a moment of peace from the twins.

Here are twins Ryan and Kieran. They will be one year old on 30 December.

Here are Alex and Sophie and little Maya together with Alex's really cool Mom from Ireland.

Here are Anthony and Maxim. What a cute boy.

Here are Elodie, Laurent, and their little girl Charlotte. She is growing so fast.

Here is little Raphael showing off his new walking ability.

Here are some of our neighbors: Frank and Patricia and Karin and Jochen.

Lisa is such a blast. It was great she, Kieran and the kids could come all the way out to Dorfen.

Here are Shireen and Priscilla. Shireen is expecting her second baby in a couple months.

Here are Emma and Gavin with Julien. All kids love Emma and Gavin.

Here are some pictures from Julien's first birthday party. We had it on Saturday 15 November and invited all our friends. We ended up having about 25 adults and 16 kids there. It was very busy but great to see everyone.
A lot of people brought some lovely food to share as well so that was great. I made chili, rice, veggie's and dip, fruit, chips/crisps, rolls, chocolate cake, rice crispy treats, and all the drinks. Our guests brought samosa's, egg rolls, minced pies, shepards pie, cheese muffins, a Brazilian bean dish, quiche, chocolate marshmello treats, coconut chocolate squares, pastry rolls, and much more. It was really yummy. I love having friends from all over the world. It makes for very interesting parties.
Thank you to everyone that was able to make it and especially to all those that brought food to share. It was a great help and lovely to try all of the variety of food available.

Xavier and Julien loved playing with all the other kids. There were 6 babies there including Julien and 10 other kids between 2 and 7 including Xavier. It was really hectic but luckily the kids played with each other which allowed the adults to chat.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Holy cow, there were a lot of people at his party! Looks like you guys had a blast.