Sunday, July 20, 2008

Zoo and other pictures

Here are a couple of pictures from the Munich Zoo as well as a couple of Keeley feeding Julien some baby food at the restaurant afterwards.

Julien was really good and ate the entire pot of food. I was very impressed. Keeley was a master feeder. Julien had hardly any food on him at all afterwards.

Xavier had a great time at the zoo and especially loved seeing the bears. We were fortunate enough to see one of the polar bears playing with a large ball right next to the glass. He was dragging the ball under water and then letting it pop up again. He seemed to be having a great time. It was amazing to see such a large polar bear up close. We were also able to get a good view of the brown bear. He is so cute.

1 comment:

Jill said...

That is awesome that you saw the polar bear playing. I would probably have sat there all day and watched. When I went with Brock's family to the San Diego zoo back when I was pregnant with Reagan, we watched a polar bear playing with a large bucket in the water similar to what you saw, and it was so awesome! We stayed and watched it for about a half hour. It was definitely the highlight of the trip. Super cool.