Monday, June 30, 2008

Julien, the master of his walker

We put Julien into his walker for the first time on 23 June and he took to it right away. He could even get through the doorways and turn around the first day he got in there. He never complained if he got stuck, he just calmly worked out how to turn around and go somewhere else.

I remember when Xavier first used this walker. He constantly would get stuck and couldn't get through the doorways and would scream and cry for me to help him. It is amazing how different Xavier and Julien are in personality.

Xavier loves pushing Julien around the living room in the walker. Now they can finally look eye to eye and Julien loves his new freedom. He is growing so fast.

1 comment:

The Wright Family said...

Love the picture of the two of them in front of the big window. So sweet.