Friday, October 7, 2011

Xavier lost his first tooth!!!

Xavier lost his very first tooth on September 16, 2011. It had been very loose for about 2 weeks and finally it was just hanging on by a little bit and we decided to finally pull it out. I tried tying a piece of string to it so it would be easier to pull out but his tooth was so slippery that it would just slide off. So finally after me trying for about 30 minutes to remove it as painlessly as possible I gave up and gave him a tissue to see if he could pull it out himself. After about one second he had it in his hand. It came right out for him. He said it did not even hurt. What a tough guy. He was so proud. It was very exciting the next day when he found a little goodie bag from the tooth fairy with candy and a golden dollar inside. He wanted to use his money to buy a present so we took him shopping and he picked out some toy cars that have different parts you can put on them to change how they look and even turn it into a helicopter or airplane. It cost more than a dollar but that is OK. We were so proud of him. He was very proud of himself too. You are awesome Xavier!


Gamma Di said...

Xavier, you are growing up too fast! I am happy that you were brave and that the Tooth Fairy was in your neighborhood to give you a great prize! Now, keep on brushing your other teeth really good, OK? I miss you, you look happy and healthy. Is school going ok for you? Parker has only been back for pizza and games once since you were here visiting. I am glad your family came to Oregon. Love ya, Diane

Jill said...

Good job Xavier!