Friday, April 22, 2011

Aurélie at 9 months

Our little Aurélie is now 9 months old. We have finally moved into our new house and are very happy to have our own place again. The kids love having their toys back and love playing in our big back yard/garden.
Aurélie is starting to crawl now and is a very happy baby. She is a great eater and loves smiling and grabbing the my glasses off my face.
Xavier and Julien are really happy to be finally settled into our own place and are doing great in their new day care center.
Thierry really likes his new job and I am doing very well back at my old job. All in all we are really doing well and are very happy.
We still have a lot of unpacking to do but it is nice to know we won't be moving again for a very long time.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Super cute pictures Jen!