Friday, October 3, 2008

New pictures of the boys

Julien is such a good eater. Sometimes I don't feed him fast enough though and he gets upset.

These pictures were taken at an indoor play center called Jogoli's. Xavier loves it there. Julien seemed to have a great time as well.

Julien is really good at sitting now and pulling up to standing. He is such a strong boy.

Xavier loves the movie Toy Story 2. He even has a Buzz Lightyear action figure that we got from a friend of ours Lisa. He loves it.

Sweet but a little sneaky.

Such a sweet boy.

Here are some new pictures of my little boys. It is amazing how fast they are growing.

Julien is starting to cruise (walk while holding onto furniture). He loves holding our hands and walking around. We think he will be walking on his own in a month. Xavier still loves kindergarten and is learning German very quickly. He even said the German word for chocolate, "Schokolade", the other day with a perfect German accent. We are so proud.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Cute pictures Jen! I love the one of Julien crying. Hilarious.